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Why and how to be a guest on podcasts

How To Use Podcast Guesting To Promote Your Book

February 24, 20236 min read

Let me tell you a story about the power of podcasts.

A couple years ago I was listening to a marketing podcast. There were two hosts and they talked together about marketing and it was super charming. I felt close to them because it was like sitting in a living room listening to friends.

So when they pitched a course, I went and purchased it immediately.

That’s when I found out that the podcast I had been listening to aired five years ago and had stopped broadcasting. The course wasn’t supported anymore and there was no material when I logged in. I had to find them on social media to ask for a refund!

That moment was when I realized that there’s nothing like podcasts to build a relationship with an audience.

Being On Podcasts Builds Trust Faster Than Anything Else

Take a moment to look at each of those words and what they mean. Your audience wants to feel like they know you, like you are a friend they enjoy being around and that they can trust you to have their best interests at heart.

Podcasting builds that extremely quickly. It’s relaxed and conversational usually, less polished and scripted than a Youtube video, more time to connect than a TikTok video. As I said above, it’s like hanging out with a friend in your living room.

This works particularly well if you have your own podcast and guests are hearing you and your point of view on each episode, but being a guest on podcasts can also be a powerful activity for your business. Because it helps you leverage the power of other people’s audience.

When you can get in front of other people’s audiences, you can save a lot of the time and effort involved in building up your own audience. You’ll be hitting the ground running while you build your list.

That’s where a lot of my focus has been in 2022. I want you to start seeing me around the web, hearing from me on a variety of shows, chatting with different people that you already know and like. 

Notice the other benefit I just mentioned: visibility. Being a guest on podcasts is a great way to get visible and appear to be everywhere at once!

How A Podcast Can Be Your Entire Funnel

A workshop with Evans Putman will never let you down. He and Michelle run the Podcast Sales Machine, which is a live four hour workshop.

The value is so tremendous that I’ve gone three times even though it’s technically the same workshop.

Evans has amazing ideas about how to build your own podcast into a sales machine and he is extremely generous with his information and help.

Sign up for the next Podcast Sales Machine Live here. (I highly recommend grabbing the VIP ticket!)

I always say for an online funnel you need three things:

  • Somewhere to meet people

  • Somewhere to nurture people

  • Somewhere to make offers to people

The amazing thing about speaking is that all three of those can be in one place. You can meet new people from someone else’s podcast, you can nurture them throughout an episode, and you can make an offer right there (if the host of the show is okay with that).

Most podcasts allow you to promote a free lead magnet in the show notes and it’s even better if you have an exclusive gift/freebie for their audience! (Hello, One Link!)

How To Get Booked As A Guest 

The most important thing to remember when it comes to trying to be a guest on podcasts is to make it easy on the host. Come prepared with a headshot, a short bio, and reasons why your talk will benefit their audience.

Don’t lead with asking for what you want, lead with showing how having you on will be great for their listeners.

To be ultra professional a speaker one sheet is a good thing to have. This has your contact information, some basic info about you, some talks you can give, questions the host can ask. 

And I even recently met a man who has created a platform just for podcast onesheets so you don’t even need to have your own website. Check it out at It has a messaging wizard, offer creation, and help with submitting applications to podcasts.

Here’s what mine looks like on his site:

podcast one sheet example

Where To Find Guesting Opportunities 

Now that you’re ready with your idea for a talk, a lead magnet gift, and clear benefits for why people’s audiences will enjoy your interview, it’s time to pitch some podcasts.

Podcast hosts get lots of random emails about being a guest. But there are easier ways to get in front of hosts.

The first one I recommend is the Podcast Collab Club. They have a free Facebook group that is very active and for paid members there are monthly networking events with tables divided by topic (highly recommend the “spiritual” tables!) 

Next there’s Speaker’s Playhouse where podcast guests and hosts can connect for free every Thursday. I almost never miss it. There’s about 200 people and everyone gets a chance to say who they are. Plus they give away for free a course or workshop at every one that is valued at $197, so that’s another reason not to miss it. There’s a free level and paid levels, but I’m still on the free level and I’ve made amazing connections! 

Podcasters Directory is a place to list yourself as a host or guest (or both) and they also have Zoom networking events. Theirs are quiet and intimate and you can get closely connected with the owner. 

JV Directory is an excellent directory and networking opportunity for finding collaborative partners through podcasting and beyond. They have frequent Zoom networking events, even ones specific to authors or healers, etc. will email you with podcasts that match the criteria you’re looking for.

Podcast Connect and Collaborate, a weekly meeting where podcast guests and hosts can connect and share affiliate programs

If you need more help with utilizing podcast guesting I recommend the services of Nancy Juetten, who transforms speakers, experts and authors into sought-after podcast guests. She does a lot of work on polishing up bios and speaker one sheets.

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Carolyn Choate

Book Marketing & Online Tech Made Simple! ⭕⭕ Helping coaches, speakers, and authors to keep selling books after the launch and empowering all online entrepreneurs to learn their own digital marketing!

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