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Do You Need An Author Newsletter? Five Reasons The Answer Is Yes!

Do You Need An Author Newsletter? Five Reasons The Answer Is Yes!

Why do you need an author newsletter, plus addressing your top concerns about sending emails and ideas for what you can send! ...more

Book Marketing ,Email Marketing

February 25, 2023β€’7 min read

How To Use Podcast Guesting To Promote Your Book

How To Use Podcast Guesting To Promote Your Book

Being On Podcasts Builds Trust Faster Than Anything Else Take a moment to look at each of those words and what they mean. Your audience wants to feel like they know you, like you are a friend they enj... ...more

Book Marketing

February 24, 2023β€’6 min read

Author Website SEO: Set Your Website Up For Success

Author Website SEO: Set Your Website Up For Success

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It’s the process of having your author website appear in search results for particular words your clients care about ...more

Website Traffic ,Book Marketing

February 23, 2023β€’14 min read

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