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what is clixlo and should you buy it

What Is Clixlo (And Should You Buy It?)

February 26, 20237 min read

Clixlo is an all-in-one funnel platform

This is similar to programs like Kartra, Kajabi, Hubspot, Clickfunnels, Thivecart, GrooveFunnels, Funnel Gorgeous...and many others. In the early days of Internet marketing as the concept of email marketing was evolving you would have to purchase a few different programs. You would need a place to host your website and another program to run your email list and a way to connect them. And as your offers got more sophisticated, the more programs you needed.

Then the all-in-one was born. It has become simpler and more cost-effective to have one program that is able to do all the things you might need.

For a long time now I've been using Kartra as an all-in-one platform. It is one of the more affordable ones at a base price of $99/mo and includes a lot of different functions like website hosting, calendar booking system, email marketing capabilities, surveys and quizzes, and a lot more. The way it all communicates makes funnels and automations very smooth.

I switched to Clixlo a couple weeks ago and here's why

I still love Kartra but when I found out that Clixlo was a similar all-in-one platform running a lifetime deal I had to take a look. My level of Kartra was costing me $200/mo and then I had a separate blogging platform and social media scheduler I was paying for. Clixlo could replace all of those for a ONE TIME cost of $500. I mean I couldn't say no to that!

Clixlo has an impressive list of included functions and the lifetime deal covers unlimited domains, webpages, email contacts, etc. so I won't even have to pay more as I grow.

I don't know how long the lifetime deal will be going on

I went ahead and got an affilaite link for them since I knew I was going to share it with all my clients who are paying monthly for their programs, so you can check and see if the lifetime deal is still going by clicking my affilaite link here: (It will have to go away at some point because there's no way the company can sustain itself if everyone just pays one time. They need to get monthly customers too. Looks like the price they will be doing for monthly is $97/mo so that's very on par with Kartra).

At first I was very nervous to say yes to a lifetime promo because that offer can be a sign that the platform is not well developed yet and you'll be waiting and hoping for it to become functional. But once I looked at their promo video, I recognized the layout of the backend.

I've been in the sales funnel building business for several years and a while back one of the ones I used is called Go High Level.

What's Included Currently In Clixlo

Also known as GHL, this is a very well respected platform and one of their main business models is whitelabeling. That means that they sell their platform to businesses that can then put their own name on it and never mention that it came from GHL.

It's a great way to have your own branded software to offer in your business without having to actually code or develop it.

Realizing that Clixlo has white labeled the GHL tools made me feel a lot better about purchasing it. In fact, I wouldn't have if that wasn't the case!

Because it is based on an established software (SAAS) it already has a fully functional funnel building platform that includes website hosting, page builder, calendar booking system, surveys, email system, and all the automations my little funnel building heart could desire.

It also has a blogging function and you can integrate social platforms to post to.

Social media scheduler within Clixlo

The list of things included is pretty massive when you scroll through on the promo page. The only thing you do still need to pay extra for is email and I'll talk more about that in a moment.

Who is Clixlo for?

When you see the ads they will be trying to convince you that you need to have a system like this. But not every business owner needs this much functionality! (Though if the lifetime deal is still going on, it might be worth grabbing anyway in case you grow into it...)

I saw one person trying to figure out if she should get Clixlo or Kajabi and when I asked what functions she was looking for she said she was leaving Squarespace because it had more stuff than she needed. She just wanted pretty emails.

So in that case, Kajabi and Clixlo are both a bad choice for her because they have even more stuff than Squarespace!

I let her know that if all she wants is pretty emails, FloDesk is known for their beautiful emails and it is a set monthly price that includes everything (unlike most email platforms that charge based on the size of your list).

All that to say, you might not need all these different systems for your business and that's okay. My friend Chuck at and I are planning to make a guide to help people choose software based on what functions they actually want but we haven't finished it yet!

But even if your needs are simple, the lifetime deal is quite a bargain. Clixlo integrates directly with Google My Business and online reviews so even local businesses could benefit from it.

If you decide to buy it, here's some things you should know!

(This is how my audience knows I take my recommendations extremely seriously!)

As I began the process of migrating my entire businesses over from one all-in-one to another, I neglected one crucial step.

I knew that in the list of what's included they have a warning that you do need to pay $20/mo to send out a reasonable number of emails.

What I didn't realize is that meant integrating a platform such as SendGrid or Mailgun to handle that.

email marketing requires an additional integration

(Notice how it totally does say that...) But with Kartra I hadn't needed to use Sendgrid and so I went merrily along integrating with Gmail.

Big mistake!

Probably if I had kept to the default for thsoe first 3k a month it would have been fine but I knew I was going to need to upgrade to the 50k/mo soon anyway. Just didn't realize that meant paying for Sendgrid and connecting them.

email integrations for Clixlo

So I went to send my regular Monday morning email and when I went to look at the stats an hour later, it showed only 5 delivered!

In one place it said the full list was sent, in another place it said only 5 and I was panicking. I messaged the help chat but she kept saying it was a problem with Google and I didn't know what she meant.

In my mind, it had to be a problem with Clixlo because I had been sending to this list for a year in Kartra with no issue.

I freaked out!

I had recommended this platform, some of my clients had already purchased it on my recommendation, what if I had made a mistake and it was broken?!

Since I hadn't yet deleted my Kartra, I went back over there and emailed my list again and asked them to let me know if they had seen the earlier email. (And side note, I love my community so much. It's incredible how many lovely friends and wonderful people I'm connected to through this business.) Tons of people responded to let me know that they hadn't.

Next I emailed all the people who had purchsed Clixlo on my recommendation to let them know what was going on and that if the platform was non-functional I would be demanding refunds for all of us and fight legally if I had to.

Thank goodness all of that proved unncessary. The problem was my fault all along. I needed to sign up for SendGrid and get it integrated into Clixlo.

I wish that had been clearer to me as part of the onboarding and set up so that's why I'm spreading the word and I'll be posting a video soon showing exactly how to set up that integration!

In fact, I'll be creating more and more video tutorials on how to use Clixlo and you can find them at this playlist: What Is Clixlo?

In conclusion, I'm going all in with Clixlo and I'm here for you to help guide all of us in getting the most from it!

Book Marketing & Online Tech Made Simple! ⭕⭕

Helping coaches, speakers, and authors to keep selling books after the launch and empowering all online entrepreneurs to learn their own digital marketing!

Carolyn Choate

Book Marketing & Online Tech Made Simple! ⭕⭕ Helping coaches, speakers, and authors to keep selling books after the launch and empowering all online entrepreneurs to learn their own digital marketing!

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